When asked about censorship people always agree with myself. They say a big NO. It is pleasant to be defended by the majority, ah what a feeling. You know what I am talking about, the somewhat ignorant feeling that something you believe is right, just because people agree with it.
But it stops right there, answers and reasons of why they should not censure points out the freedom of speech and other freedomlities. Right? Not my point though. I do not like censorship because it turns ourselves into machines with a limited set of things we can see and understand. Or in other words, it dumb us down. There is a big difference in defending something because you want freedom and defending something because it makes you idiot.
The points of the governments are that "considered to be excessively disrupting of social order". They really think people are going to start killing others or doing any other thing because they saw it on tv or in a book. Nonsense. Are they based on last century psychology or something?
The real reason is structural (AS ALWAYS), instead of censuring, what they should do is showing people a way through life. I always liked the idea of creating socio-cultural groups to teach the families, very simple and easy talk, which can do wonders! Close dialog. Ah well, we are on the time of cellphone and internet right? We (myself included) forgot how it is to talk head to head and discuss a good point about the way of living. We have too many things to do right? Many things to buy, many things to read, too much information. Government could pay people to teach us how to live, instead of censuring what he does not want us to do (what in some form incentive the action of doing it \cite{pepitone1967change} ).
We dont want to face it. But censorship is trying to avoid the inevitable and hiding the symptoms instead of treating the disease. For the Japanese that are so much more cultural favorable to preventing diseases than hiding the symptoms, I was shocked by some political movements http://www.animenewsnetwork.
Well, but thinking more about it... I may be missing something....wa-wait.....I can even accept Censorship. More than that, it is clear now that censorship is awesome, it is Great!
No, I am not going to defend the attitudes of the politicians, or anything I disliked before. I am in completely agreement with what I said before. I still hate attitudes such as censuring or confiscating the economist (the best journal to be read nowadays). I just happened to like their game, I will play their cards... my way though. My style.
My censorship is for the good! And for that, I will censure everything, every tv channel, every movie, every book, every board game, every shampoo.... everything. If people make protests I will put an end to it, just like the Chinese. My censorship way though is rather obtuse, for doing the censorship I will contract the people who are behind the "Festival of Cannes" and "Berlin Festival" for ranking the movies and tv channels and if they fall below a certain grade, it is censured. For the board games, I will call the people behind "Spiel des Jahres" from Germany. And they will do the same as with the movies, but with the board games. And the same logic applies to other products.
The people could even exchange old censored products by new ones not censored. For the censored products, they are not allowed to sell. And that is it.
In a year, only high quality products will be sold on markets. In a 100 years people here will fill the more important positions, in 300 years, we are going to receive all the nobels (maybe we will lost the nobel of peace, because we do not like war) and the major journals on all fields.
If you are worried about the international investment and the consume (internal market). You are right, there will be problems. The mass market is a fragile cake, if they are not predictable and easy to sell the economy gets all fragile and a new crisis get caught. An economic crisis is not a sign of bad news, but a sign of change. Nobody likes it, because the main aspect of a crisis is its unpredictability, but in short, since lot of people are losing money lot of them are gaining.
I was just poking fun with their game of censorship, but of course, the roots are elsewhere and this will not solve realistically the problem. I would say that the problem are on the industry which end ups influencing the education (take a look at the Spiegel article in German, where they talk about the university becoming a fabric of knowledge for the industries... this article is awesome. I have even the original journal - here is a comment also in German). No, I am not talking about the education, not at all. Education is a mere consequence of our cultural conduct and market behavior. My point will become clear if you read the article, maybe in another blog time I will write about the Lernfabriken (German for knowledge fabrics).
title={{Change in attractiveness of forbidden toys as a function of severity of threat}},
author={Pepitone, A. and McCauley, C. and Hammond, P.},
journal={Journal of Experimental Social Psychology},